EMH Tree Farm

Tape Tree Info Break Through M&M Concerts Dallas Electric Ballroom Discoveries Discoveries 2 Kickapoo Music Festival An Afternoon With Shawn Phillips Cactus Cafe - Vol 1 Texas Opry House Minnesota Tapes Penny Arcade CDR Electric Ballroom CDR E-mail Me Back To JW's Shawn Phillips Site


I got the idea for the Shawn Phillips Tape Trees in 1995 after a discussion with Shawn Phillips' manager, Arlo Hennings. I had started my tape collection through "tape trees" from the Jefferson Airplane list and being bit by the tape collector bug thought perhaps Shawn's fans would be interested too. Arlo had a few tapes and after I posed the question on the Shawn Phillips mailing list, a few more tapes were discovered. Since, putting together this concept, I have searched internationally for Shawn Phillips tapes and have been somewhat successful.

The first tape tree put together was from 2 tapes Arlo found. One from a show in Rochester, New York in April of 1972 and the other fron Shawn's tour of South Africa in 1994. I asked the folks on the Shawn Phillips mailing list, at the time, to help me find a name for this tree, and I settled on Breakthrough, one of Shawn's titles.

Since that fateful time in 1995, 10 trees have been run, with more to come. These tape trees have given Shawn's fans a taste of quality Shawn Phillips music that without the internet and email, they never would have heard. I have archived all the tapes I have received over the years and have also come across a few videos. People who are new to tape collecting or to Shawn Phillip's music are encouraged to sign up for the tape trees as they are announced. For more information on "Tape Trees" see The Rust List

The following is a list Shawn Phillip's Tape Trees. Click on the links to find out more information on these tape trees. If you are interested in obtaining any of these tapes, email me at... [email protected]

EMH VCD Tree #1 - Milestones Music Room VCD

4/5/2003 Rochester, New York
Tape Tree #1 - Breakthrough
03/10/72 The Nugget ~ Rochester, NY
08/12/94 Capetown, South Africa
Tape Tree #2 - The M & M Concerts
05/18/74 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
12/02/78 Minneapolis, MN - Orpheum Theater
Tape Tree #3 - Dallas Electric Ballroom
1/29/76 Dallas, Texas
Tape Tree #4 - Discoveries
1982 Austin, Texas
May, 1996 Acoustic Cafe
Tape Tree #5 -Discoveries 2
10/24/79 The Cellar Door - Washington, DC
Tape Tree #6 - Kickapoo Music Festival
06/28/97 Kickapoo Music Festival ~ Edom, TX
Tape Tree #7 - An Afternoon With Shawn Phillips
11/27/97 KUT-FM ~ Austin, TX
Tape Tree #8 - Cactus Cafe ~ Vol 1
1988 Cactus Cafe ~ Austin, TX
Tape Tree #9 (Texas Opry House)
12/15/78 Texas Opry House - Houston, TX
Tape Tree #10 - The Minnesota Tapes
07/25/98 Pennington Music Festival
10/04/98 Minneapolis, MN ~ The Fine Line Music Cafe

EMH Tree #11 - The Penny Arcade CDR
05/19/2000 Penny Arcade - Rochester, NY

EMH Tree #12 - The Electric Ballroom CDR
1/29/76 Dallas, Texas

EMH Tree #13 - Milestones Music Room CDR
4/5/2003 Rochester, New York
EMH VCD Tree #1 - Milestones Music Room VCD
4/5/2003 Rochester, New York


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Web Author: JW Anderson
Thursday, May 1, 2003